Wine for Beethoven was symbolic. It was something that would bring everyone around the table to eat and drink and be equals.
Tim Gaiser
I remember seeing the Indian women with babies wrapped about them quietly contemplating Beethoven’s 7th.
Andrew Balio
When art goes wrong, we get a philistine welter of empty prettiness or an arid desert of conceptualism.
Frederick Turner
You could be sour about the music industry if you wanted to be. But the musicians’ union has a lot to answer for.
Jay Nordlinger
There will always be a type that can’t reconcile himself to the fact that classical music will always be a minority taste.
Paradoxically, while our civilization grows old, it is our past that we label as aged and the day itself as eternally young.
The notion that music has properties and powers that can sharpen the mind and transform the soul is ancient.
Michael Linton
“It’s not only the music that should be sublime – everything about Concertgebouw should be sublime.”
Maria Roberts
Postwar modernism and its hip progeny is pushing classical music into the corner as a “museum culture.”
John Borstlap
Selling music in wrapping paper which belies its nature will inevitably lead to disappointment.
Organizations wanting to extract immense value from their brands must, like Wagner, work as polymaths.
Manfredi Ricca