The notion that music has properties and powers that can sharpen the mind and transform the soul is ancient.
Michael Linton
Group mentality has invaded the world of education in ways that threaten the young.
Sir Roger Scruton
Music offers assures us that there is something out there in the world that knows our hearts.
Peter Kalkavage
Music as symbol is the whole of all things. It is the world.
To speak about music is to speak about everything.
One can be modern without being avant-garde, without lapsing into sound effects.
“A momentary illusion of having really got hold of what is the matter with modernity.”
G.K. Chesterton
The present-day abundance of classical music is a testament to its deep roots in human feeling.
Heather Mac Donald
“Tonality died somewhere around the time that Nietzsche’s God died.”
Robert R. Reilly
Wagner’s story is addressed to modern people, for whom the path to heroism is overgrown.
Persons in our time find it impossible to credit the idea of intrinsic goods.
James Matthew Wilson